Indian Ocean Lodge ***


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Indian Ocean Lodge

Pro hotel Indian Ocean Lodge není dostupná online kalkulace. Cenu Vám rádi sdělíme na vyžádání – prosím vyplňte svůj požadavek v kontaktním formuláři. Detail hotelu Indian Ocean Lodge.

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Hotel Indian Ocean Lodge ***

Rating 8.6 Rated by 5 clients
Detailed evaluation
Location Seychelles, Praslin, Grand Anse | Show map
Meal Half board | More about gastronomy
Specialist tips Klidný malý hotel U pláže Grand Anse Cenově dostupný
Specialists who
stayed in the hotel
Specialists who
visited the hotel

Description of Indian Ocean Lodge *** Seychelles

Peace. Quiet. Authenticity. That is what we can promise during your Seychelles holiday. Nothing less, and probably quite a bit more.

Tucked away in our own little private corner on the island of Praslin, the Indian Ocean Lodge is an affordable small hotel establishment completely owned, and operated, by Seychellois.

From our cuisine, to the interior decor, to the warm faces greeting you at each turn, every quality about our hotel is meant to provide you with a truly authentic Seychelles experience.

A relaxing haven to unwind, a convenient location from which to explore the sights, sounds and tastes of these magical islands, and a peaceful night's sleep after the day is done. All in a family-like atmosphere that expects nothing more from you than your own comfort and well-being.

Come and experience what our past guests now know: that being here is the next best thing to calling Seychelles home.


Read more  Make an enquiry

Room types

Standard Room

Standard Room

Standard rooms are equipped with king-size beds, but two adjacent built-in couches are easily converted into twin beds, allowing a family of 4 to be comfortably accommodated...

Gastronomy and hotel restaurants

Blue Marlin Restaurant caters to our guests with great satisfaction for breakfast, lunch, dinner and anything in between. Our pool side bar provides ice-cold beverages througout the day, and theres no better place to sip a cocktail as the sun sets on another perfect day.


The restaurant offers two distinct areas for you to dine – inside the main building, or out on our covered veranda. Breakfasts are served from 0730hrs to 1000hrs, and dinner as from 1930hrs, with our a la carte pool bar and bistro open throughout the day. We also offer each of our guests the opportunity to partake in our Seafood Extravaganza – a delectable assortment of freshly caught fish, lobster and other seafood – which is available on request. Please notify our staff at least one day in advance of your request, so that we can make all the necessary preparations

Pool bar & Bistro

Open throughout the day, our pool bar offers a selection of bistro favourites, such as homemade burgers, sandwiches, pastas and fresh fish selections, all available from our a la carte menu. The bar is also open through the evening for you to enjoy any number of cocktails creations and drink specials before dinner, and there may be no better way to whet your appetite than to sip on an aperitif during the sunset while listening to live local music: a selection of bands and singers perform 4 nights a week in the evenings and during dinner.

We will prepare a Tailor-made holiday for you.


Odlety jsou možné z Prahy nebo Vídně každý den. Létáme luxusními letadly Emirates. Délka Vašeho pobytu může být libovolná. Můžete si vybrat typ pokoje nebo formu stravování. Seychely jsme opakovaně navštívili a poskytneme Vám osobní rady. Jsou specializací české cestovní kanceláře DELUXEA a.s. založené roku 1995. Hotel, transfer a další služby pro Vás objednáváme přímo na Seychelách. Služby pro Vás nekupujeme u německé cestovní kanceláře a při cestování nebudete členy žádné skupiny. Pokud byste potřebovali jakoukoliv změnu v zájezdu, tak přímo my Vám vše na Seychelách vyřídíme, rychle a operativně. Postaráme se o Vás.

Room categories and equipment of Indian Ocean Lodge

Our 32 guest rooms are nestled along the beach across eight two-storey structures of traditional Creole architecture, and surrounded by tropical gardens. The interiors have been designed to uniquely identify with Praslin in every way, with pastel and earth tones, along with fixtures and made out of traditional materials like palm leaves and coconut husks and shells. The white-washed furniture, built by local carpenters, lends a soothing, rustic finish to the room.

All of our rooms have been designed to easily convert into ideal accommodation for families. 

The spacious bathrooms were created with our guests' day schedules in mind. The double shower means you can freshen up and get rid of the sand you have accumulated from the beach without waiting around for your partner, and clothes-lines ensure those wet bathing suits dry out in good time.

Room types

Standard Room

Standard Room foto

Standard rooms are equipped with king-size beds, but two adjacent built-in couches are easily converted into twin beds, allowing a family of 4 to be comfortably accommodated. Each room is also inter-connected to its adjacent room, which offers plenty of space for families of even up to 8 individuals.

Online price and discounts of Indian Ocean Lodge ***

Quick Hotel Calculation

Indian Ocean Lodge

Pro hotel Indian Ocean Lodge není dostupná online kalkulace. Cenu Vám rádi sdělíme na vyžádání – prosím vyplňte svůj požadavek v kontaktním formuláři. Detail hotelu Indian Ocean Lodge.

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Cena zájezdu v CZK/person zahrnuje všechny aktuální slevy. Proklikem přes vybraný termín se dostanete na detail ceny.

sobota24.9.2016 něděle25.9.2016 pondělí26.9.2016
pátek30.9.2016 -The best priceDetail > -The best priceDetail > -The best priceDetail >
sobota1.10.2016 -The best priceDetail > -The best priceDetail > -The best priceDetail >
neděle2.10.2016 -The best priceDetail > -The best priceDetail > -The best priceDetail >

Price in CZK/person includes all current discounts. Click through the selected date to get to the price detail.

Dítě do let
Dítě do let
Dítě do let
Dítě do let
Dítě do let
The lowest price from 216 EUR / person, night, half board in Standard Room
in the period from 17.05.2025 to 11.07.2025

Professional photo of Indian Ocean Lodge ***

Our photo of Indian Ocean Lodge ***


Gastronomy and hotel restaurants Indian Ocean Lodge

Blue Marlin Restaurant caters to our guests with great satisfaction for breakfast, lunch, dinner and anything in between. Our pool side bar provides ice-cold beverages througout the day, and theres no better place to sip a cocktail as the sun sets on another perfect day.


The restaurant offers two distinct areas for you to dine – inside the main building, or out on our covered veranda. Breakfasts are served from 0730hrs to 1000hrs, and dinner as from 1930hrs, with our a la carte pool bar and bistro open throughout the day. We also offer each of our guests the opportunity to partake in our Seafood Extravaganza – a delectable assortment of freshly caught fish, lobster and other seafood – which is available on request. Please notify our staff at least one day in advance of your request, so that we can make all the necessary preparations

Pool bar & Bistro

Open throughout the day, our pool bar offers a selection of bistro favourites, such as homemade burgers, sandwiches, pastas and fresh fish selections, all available from our a la carte menu. The bar is also open through the evening for you to enjoy any number of cocktails creations and drink specials before dinner, and there may be no better way to whet your appetite than to sip on an aperitif during the sunset while listening to live local music: a selection of bands and singers perform 4 nights a week in the evenings and during dinner.

Children in the hotel Indian Ocean Lodge ***

Svatební balíček „Svatba v ráji” Indian Ocean Lodge

Indian Ocean Lodge ***
Indian Ocean Lodge ***, Seychelles

Newly renovated rooms

Klasický svatební balíček od 10 190 CZK podrobnosti
  • - Osobního svatebního koordinátora po dobu přípravy Vaší svatby v hotelu.
  • - Veškeré úřední a správní poplatky na Seychelách.
  • - Zajištění apostily na oddací list.
  • Výše uvedené jsou povinné položky za uskutečnění svatby na Seychelách. Přesný rozsah svatebního balíčku v tomto hotelu Vám rádi sdělíme na požádání či v kalkulaci vybraného hotelu. Extra služby jako dekorace místa svatebního obřadu, slavnostní večeře pro novomanžele, svatební dort, služby kadeřníka, kytice pro nevěstu a fotografa či nahrávku videokamerou Vám rádi zajistíme.
  • Vážíme si Vašeho času a překlady dokumentů pro Vás vyřídíme my! Nemusíte hledat žádného překladatele a chodit na různé adresy ani se trápit skenováním. Stačí, když se zastavíte osobně v našich kancelářích Praha 1, Na Příkopě 392/9 nebo Brno, Vídeňská 546/55 nebo Bratislava, Miletičova 5. Po dohodě můžete i vše odeslat poštou či po kurýrovi. Zaplatíte pouze cenu samotného ověření a překladu.

ceny jsou informativní a potvrdíme Vám je při rezervaci svatby

Svatby v ráji pořádáme od roku 1998. Jsou připravené speciálně s ohledem na individuální přání a potřeby snoubenců. Naši zaměstnanci destinace opakovaně navštívili a detailně poznali místní prostředí a nabídku služeb. Díky tomu Vám velmi podrobně poradí na základě osobních zkušeností.

Map - Indian Ocean Lodge ***

Personal advice from DELUXEA to Seychelles to the hotel Indian Ocean Lodge ***

In DELUXEA travel agency, we a personal advice to our clients. The DELUXEA's specialists travel around the world and visit hotels to advise our clients in the smallest details. Choose an expert who will advise you with the Indian Ocean Lodge ***, prepare a perfect holiday and who will take care of you.

Ing. Martina Melková
The last inspection
Ing. Martina Melková +420 724 730 002

Hotel reviews Indian Ocean Lodge ***

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