Bird Island Lodge ***

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Hotel Bird Island Lodge ***

Rating 6.8 Rated by 1 clients
Detailed evaluation
Location Seychelles, Bird | Show map
Meal Full board
Specialist tips Tropical animals in their natural habitat Giant turtles Coral reef

Description of Bird Island Lodge *** Seychelles

Bird Island is the most northerly island of the Seychelles archipelago and is situated 65 miles from the main island of Mahé. A 30 minute flight by light aircraft gives the first stunning impressions of this coral cay, with its lush green interior, surrounded by over 5 Kilometres of fine white coral sand beaches, and lapped by turquoise clear waters. The island leaves you with a true ‘castaway’ feeling.

Bird Island, Seychelles is home to thousands of tropical birds, giant land tortoises, and breathtaking marine life – a treasure trove for nature lovers. The emphasis is very much on relaxation and informality where visitors can appreciate the conservation of wildlife in the most beautiful, tranquil setting and escape the hassles and chaos of ordinary life. This little island is a true retreat from today’s busy world.

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Odlety jsou možné z Prahy nebo Vídně každý den. Létáme luxusními letadly Emirates. Délka Vašeho pobytu může být libovolná. Můžete si vybrat typ pokoje nebo formu stravování. Seychely jsme opakovaně navštívili a poskytneme Vám osobní rady. Jsou specializací české cestovní kanceláře DELUXEA a.s. založené roku 1995. Hotel, transfer a další služby pro Vás objednáváme přímo na Seychelách. Služby pro Vás nekupujeme u německé cestovní kanceláře a při cestování nebudete členy žádné skupiny. Pokud byste potřebovali jakoukoliv změnu v zájezdu, tak přímo my Vám vše na Seychelách vyřídíme, rychle a operativně. Postaráme se o Vás.

Room categories and equipment of Bird Island Lodge


Feel a thousand miles from anywhere as you walk along or relax on our powder soft, pure white beaches.

With over 5 kilometres of heavenly beaches, Bird Island proves to be an ideal getaway. You will find some of the best beaches here, not only for their soft white sands stretching out to beautiful turquoise waters but also for the serenity that they offer. You will never find a crowded beach on Bird Island; always leaving you the opportunity to experience one all to yourself.

Whether you love beachcombing, sunbathing, snorkelling or just enjoying the view, there is always a beach on Bird Island to satisfy your desires; from Sooty Tern Point and Hirondelle Beach, to Passe Coco Beach and many more.

Online price and discounts of Bird Island Lodge ***

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Professional photo of Bird Island ***



Bird Island offers a variety of activities to guests – Educating its visitors about their natural surrounds, encounters with 100 year old tortoises, turtles, dolphins and other amazing marine life; paddling across the island’s shores and taking in the mesmerising scenery, or the choice of just unwinding on the powder soft beaches. The island is yours to enjoy.

Nature Trails

Share our enthusiasm for our beautiful Island home. Learn about the nesting and courting habits of the birds, the Hawksbill turtles that visit between October and February and the thousands of hatchlings that race for the sea from December to March.

Head out on one of the many nature trails and discover the island’s abundant flora and fauna.

Would you prefer a guided nature walk? Just ask our island hosts! They’ll be more than happy to help.

Tortoise and Turtle Spotting

With around 20 free roaming tortoises on the island you will never run short of these placid friendly creatures to observe. The tortoises found on the island are mainly Giant Aldabra Tortoises, with Esmeralda being the oldest and heaviest of the bunch. These ancient reptiles are mostly herbivores, feeding on grass, leaves, and various plants. They tend to eat in the mornings and evenings when it is cooler and to rest in shaded areas during the warmer periods of the day.


Walk a few yards from the shore and begin your underwater exploration.

Straight off Hirondelle Beach, a 30 metres gentle swim and you will marvel at the brightly coloured coral heads and the many reef fish. It’s impossible to keep count of the number of interesting and unusual fish you will find.

This underwater activity makes for a great experience at Bird Island; protected by the reef, snorkelling is easy and safe. 


For a little fun or some light exercise, we offer our two-person kayak; Perfect for a slow paddle across the bay or a determined circum-navigation.

Kayaking is a fantastic way of getting close to the marine life in our surrounding waters, and also allows you to enjoy Bird Island’s beautiful coastline. Looking down into the clear blue shallows, you can follow the occasional turtle, octopus, stingray or watch the many colourful fish as they swim about the reef.

Shore Fishing

Bird Island has excellent shore fishing for fly fisherman and for shore casting. Try fishing from the beach and from our reef flats, where it is possible to catch Bonefish and Trevally! 

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Svatby v ráji pořádáme od roku 1998. Jsou připravené speciálně s ohledem na individuální přání a potřeby snoubenců. Naši zaměstnanci destinace opakovaně navštívili a detailně poznali místní prostředí a nabídku služeb. Díky tomu Vám velmi podrobně poradí na základě osobních zkušeností.

Map - Bird Island Lodge ***

Personal advice from DELUXEA to Seychelles to the hotel Bird Island Lodge ***

In DELUXEA travel agency, we a personal advice to our clients. The DELUXEA's specialists travel around the world and visit hotels to advise our clients in the smallest details. Choose an expert who will advise you with the Bird Island Lodge ***, prepare a perfect holiday and who will take care of you.

Hotel reviews Bird Island Lodge ***


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